速報APP / 教育 / TEK - The English Kindergarten

TEK - The English Kindergarten



檔案大小:53.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


TEK - The English Kindergarten(圖1)-速報App

NOTE: This application access is restricted to TEK students and parents.

Key Features:


* Keeping you up to date on the TEK announcements.

**About TEK**

TEK - The English Kindergarten(圖2)-速報App

Our Mission:


Choosing the right kindergarten for your child can be just as important as selecting the right elementary school or university.

At The English Kindergarten (TEK) - we believe it's even more important, because it's the very first step on the road to success and a lifetime of achievement.

TEK - The English Kindergarten(圖3)-速報App

We all know the importance of building on solid foundations in order to get off to a good start in life. At TEK we nurture respect for others, develop basic skills and encourage social interaction.

Respect, development and encouragement are our values and will be your child's legacy.

TEK - The English Kindergarten(圖4)-速報App
